Solar Blades & Cosmic Spells won a “Questies” Award of 2019!

If you are into OSR games, and modern games with Old School spirit, you are probably familiar with Ben Milton’s YouTube channel, Questing Beast. It is possibly the most well known RPG review channel out there, and it is especially interested in games, adventures and other books related to Old School Gaming.

Some of my books have been favorably reviewed there in the past (watch the review SB&CS, DS&DS and SS&SS here), but now Ben has been revisiting those reviews and giving out awards called “Questies” for each of the years he has been reviewing them.

And to my surprise, Solar Blades & Cosmic Spells was awarded the Questies for Best GM Toolkit of 2019! I am so happy and honored by this! Not only I am a huge fan o Ben’s work on the channel and on his games and adventures, but I am a fan of his game’s critique and learned a lot by his reviews!

You can watch the complete video on which he announces his picks right here.

Continue reading “Solar Blades & Cosmic Spells won a “Questies” Award of 2019!”

Dispatches from the Old Skull #1 Coming Out Soon!

Dispatches from the Old Skull #1 Cover

I’ve made a 20 pages RPG Zine for my patrons over my Patreon page (you can still get it there if you join this month). It’s called Dispatches of the Old Skull and contains a variety of stuff I produced in the las month.

It has a big 100 random encounters table with weird scenes that can inspire an entire session or even their own adventures. They are all set in a swamp/marshes environment and can be used to color journeys through those places or simply starting points for the game.

There is also an entire dungeon adventure created based on a color isometric map I created during the new year, an article about making your game epic right from the start without needing to wait until you get a higher level character, and a comic strip inspired by low level characters and their struggle to remain alive and motivated to explore monster infested death holes with treasure!

Check out the content of the zine in this quick flipthrough!

Dispatches form the Old Skull #1 – Flip Through!

Check out My Games and Other Publications as well!

New Year, New Site!

2021 is here and I am ready for it! I am starting a new website for Old Skull Publishing (this one), I am launching a Patreon (support me there to get zines, artwork, games, original art and much more), and I am working on several new projects that will hopefully come out this year, including a game called Kosmosaurs, an RPG about Dinosaur Space Rangers!

By the way, I have recently released 3 more games!

Check out The Dead Are Coming, Screams Amongst the Stars and Running Out of Time!