We are back with another post about my favorite Iconic Encounters of RPG adventures! Some of them are still a staple in most of them, others have become a rare occurrence that deserve a comeback with style, like the one we’re looking into today.

I like to call this one “The Moving Barrier” because it essentially makes a powerful and almost unbeatable creature a barrier the PCs can’t pass through, and it moves around the location, effectively changing how they explore the place every time they bump into the creature. As usual, the encounter has a few characteristics that I will list below and then explore in detail.
- There’s a very powerful creature in the location PCs probably won’t be able to defeat.
- The creature roams around the location seeking the PCs, but it’s slow.
- The location has multiple possible paths to reach various places within it.
- There’s something that keeps the creature at bay, which can be discovered in the location.