Hello folks!
The end of the year was a little hectic down here, so the posts stopped for a while but they are coming back. I have more Iconic Encounters to share with you folks!
But today I want to present to you a supplement for Dark Streets & Darker Secrets I am funding right now through GallantFunding, a platform made by my partners at Gallant Knight Games! It’s called War of the Magi.

War of the Magi brings information regarding various factions of true sorcerers, magicians who can alter the very fabric of reality using Words of Power. But there’s a faction, that was thought to have been defeated forever, that’s returning with increasing power to challenge them all once again. And they want to subjugate not only their peers, but the whole world. A war is brewing.
But what will you actually find in this new book?
- A new Archetype called The Magi. A true sorcerer who can manipulate reality wott their will and their mastery over Words of Power.
- A completely new magic system called Words of Power, allowing players to combine different words to create their own unique magical effects. There’s no list of effects or levels. Magic is open ended, but hard to dominate.
- Various factions of sorcerers with their own agendas, values, and plots.
- Other possible antagonists in a campaign centered around true sorcerers, such as the New Inquisition, the Vampire Families, and more.
- Tables and generators to create game content and help you either prepare for play, or play as you go!
- A full adventure to jumpstart your campaign of War of the Magi!
So go on and support us! We are doing a GallantFunding as we seek an alternative and more independent way to crowdfund our projects.
Your help is essential for us to succeed! Get a great RPG book and spread the word!
Get ready for war, my friends!