What’s Happening with Old Skull Publishing?

Short answers: A lot and not so much. But let’s dig into this and be more clear. My life has been pretty hectic lately. I suffer from anxiety/depression, and even though I am much better at dealing with this than I was a couple of years ago, things can get complicated from time to time, especially when “real life” gets messy as well. In short, I am OK. I am super tired. I wish I was creating more. But for now I am prioritizing my health (physical, mental and emotional), my family, my kid, and unfortunately the job that keeps a roof over our head and food on our plate. But I am working on getting back on the RPG horse. I miss it too much.

Much longer answer: Old Skull Publishing is basically a fantasy name for a company composed of myself, Diogo Nogueira. It’s almost like a mask I put on to pretend to be something else and have the strength and courage to create, produce, and share this creation with others (and even charge for it). And I LOVE doing that. Creating something, sharing with others, and creating connections through this is one of the things that help give meaning to my life. I am incredibly happy and grateful for all the stuff I’ve created so far, for the connections I’ve made (making me feel welcomed and part of a community), and for the many dear and true friend I’ve met, even if we are thousands of kilometers away from each other. I want more of this. But for now, I can’t dedicate myself to this as much as I did before.

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