Petty Gods & Playthings – You Are a Petty God – Part III #WIP

Geesh! Part III already and we are only finishing the Divine Domains? How long can I fool you all into following this? Let’s find out!

Anyway, I continue sharing previews of the draft text of a future game of mine called Petty Gods & Playthings. It’s a game about small gods with great ambitions, and the mortals entangled in their machinations. It’s inspired by Fritz Leiber’s Lankhmar, Terry Pretchet’s Discworld series (especially the Small Gods stories), Monty Python and the Holy Grail, Adult Swim, and a lot more stuff (now I guess I realized I need to make a post about my inspirations and aspirations for the game).

In terms of game design, it’s a RPG I am trying to experiment with a lot of interesting things that will play with the act of playing itself, with collaborative world building, with players as game designers, and a bunch of other cool things I’ve been learning about. But we will get to that. Today I share the rest of the Divine Domain tables as I finished writing the funny bits about them. Again, the idea is coming up with Divine Domains that are uncommon, and quirky. Which would be challenging to use easily to obtain advantage in a normal game but that can be explored creatively by players. And even though players are not necessarily bound by the tables, they should give a pretty good feeling of the kind of gods they normally are in the game.

If you have no idea what I am talking about, this post explains what Petty Gods & Playthings is in a little more detail (I am pretty proud of that post and how it kinda explains how the game works in a pretty fun way). I also begin sharing the Petty God creation process in this post, and Part II can be found here. This you are reading is part III.

Once more, I remind you this is a work in progress. So if you say there is something wrong with it I will pretend to care!

Continue reading “Petty Gods & Playthings – You Are a Petty God – Part III #WIP”

Petty Gods & Playthings – Coming in 2023 (hopefully)

Cover art by Łukasz Piwiński and Title Design by Łukasz Kowalczuk

You are a Petty God, an entity of immense power, great influence, and even deeper sense of self importance. 

You want to exert control and influence over mortals and the places they call home. You want to leave your mark in the Mortal Realms. You want to be worshipped. You want champions to fight for you. You want to be more than those other Petty Gods.

But you are bound by the Ancient Laws of Divinehood. So you use your Playthings.

Petty Gods & Playthings is a fantasy role playing game about ambitious gods, their machinations, and the mortals entangled in them. 

In this game, players assume the role of a Petty God. A supernatural being with great power, greater responsibilities, even greater ambitions, and very little restraint. Luckily, rules bind these entities in a way they cannot freely unleash havoc on the Mortal Realm. But they found another way to exert their influence.

They control Playthings, mortals whose essence has been infused with a Divine Spark, setting them apart from others around them forever. Promising them a destiny they desire, these gods move them as pieces in a cosmic chess set. Sometimes elevating them to such high stands as kings, archnages, and grandmasters, but other times condemning them to their ultimate doom.

And all of this happens primarily at the grandest city of all: KORGOROTH! The City of the Purple Flame. The City in the Middle. The Hive of Scum, Villainy and, sometimes, Heroes. A city with many titles, many more secrets, and infinite stories to tell.

And you are going to tell them with Petty Gods & Playthings!

I am still developing this, but I am truly excited for the possibilities it will bring to the table. Gameplay in two levels, meta gaming turned into diegetic gameplay, shared world building, and exciting sword and sorcery adventures in a weird and ancient city-state!

More information soon!