We have been covering the adaptation of Old-School Essentials Classic Fantasy Rules Tome to The Primal World of Thaia, my upcoming setting/zine of weird stone & sorcery adventure in a mythical stone age that never was!
In the first post we covered some general principles, and the Shaman (former Cleric) and the Molekin (former dwarf). Today we get to see two more!
Elf (Ancient One)

A being from the race of the first people of Thaia, whose empire covered the entire world millions of years ago. They are just a shadow of their former selves now, but great power and knowledge still reside inside of them. Their time has passed, but some still linger in this ancient word.
Elves are now Ancient Ones in The Primal World of Thaia, and their appearance changes a bit. They are tall, usually hairless, with a gray skin that reflects all the colors of the spectrum. They sometimes wear old clothes from their past civilizations but the few that maintain contact with the People of the Vale. They have forgotten much about their past, but they can slowly remember it as they rediscover the mysteries of Thaia.
Languages: Alignment, Human, Ancient, Serpentkin, Hogkin, Apekin
Spell casting: Ancient Ones don’t carry traditional spell books like Elves (although they can if that’s what the player wants), thus the “spell book” they carry can take other shapes, like a piece of Ancient One’s tech, like a tablet, a holoprojector, a crystal that can be read somehow, or something similar. Be creative.
Fighter (Warrior)
They were born on the battlefield, or that’s the story they like to tell others. People with an aptitude for bloody conflict, wielding huge stone weapons against dinosaurs, monsters, and even worse things. Entire tribes rely on their bravery for survival, but they are not immortals, and learn to pick their fights if they want to survive more than a few years.
Fighters in this setting are called Warriors, and function very similarly to fighters in terms of rules. They are a simple class, but one with high HP, moderate XP cost and lots of potential.
Languages: Alignment, Human
Weapon specialization: Warriors get to choose one type of weapon to choose as their favorite and enjoy a +1 bonus to attack and damage with them. They may change the type of weapon every time they gain a new level.
In the next post we will be back with our play report of our Primal Quest campaign in The Primal World of Thaia, an upcoming zine for Old-School Essentials and Primal Quest!